Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Raking and Seeding

Lots of raking.

We want to make a multi level perennial garden here in the future :) For now hoping for wild flowers.

We spent one night up at the lake.  On Sat morning I went to Bloomer and went to some garage sales with Josh and Ellie.  Craig stayed busy raking leaves from the front bay of the lot.  This was quite a task as they probably have never been raked since this was used as a fishing camp.  After many hours of raking, mulching, and dumping leaves, he seeded the area with some grass seed.  Then I raked the side area and added some wild flower seed on that.  We have our fingers crossed some of this will come up.  Rain and Sunshine please come!  In that order :)

Josh and Ellie were our first fishing guests on Friday evening.  He snagged a few small ones and knows there are definitely some biters out there! :)  We enjoyed a nice boat ride on Sat afternoon before heading home too.  We even saw a muskrat swim across the bay.  We have seen deer by the road the last 3 times we have camped on the land.  They do not seem very timid and it is so fun to watch them.

Hopefully the perc test will be done this week and the wood limbs chipped.  We have staked out an area for the house so we are anxious to get the driveway in and the grading and filling done so it will finally look like a building site.  Weekends go fast and the cleaning up process seems unending. :)

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Becky said...

Good gracious - I am SO SORRY about my minutes! I even tried to plug in an old rotary phone so I could call you back/talk but I cannot get a dial tone. Grrr.

LOVE pics of the lake - seriously so incredibly beautiful. And the work? Yep. Endless. (but good exercise)

So yes, definitely yes to the sofa.

No call from attorney yet.

I did look into some 55+ places by Onalaska... Stone something? I remember because Caitlin was here and said, "mom - do you really think you want to live in an old age community?" Hmmm... I REALLY love the apt I found yesterday but will definitely look into 55+ some more if this all falls through. I chose La Crosse south side because it's where I "think" I'd like to buy a condo if I ever do buy a condo here.

Anyway - sorry again about the short phone call. My minutes reset tomorrow, so then I will be good to go. Gee, I must have spent a lot of time on the phone this month!

Jerry Fields said...

How much fill are you going to need? Parts of the lot appear to be pretty close to water level. Do you know if the lake ever has high water into the lot? Usually lakes aren't as much of a flooding problem as (flowing) rivers.

Everything looks so green and fresh. Love it.

See-eester-in-law P