Sunday, April 7, 2013

We bought Land!

We found a little piece of heaven this fall.  We kept coming back to it dreaming of what it could become someday for us.  Well, in December we purchased this 1/2 acre on Beaver Lake in Bloomer, WI.  It is a calming and peaceful setting.  And to top it off it is only 15 minutes from Josh and Ellie.


  It is just as beautiful in the winter season.

We are beginning to clear out trees to make room for a future home.  Lots of work, but enjoying seeing the progress.  Craig and Josh have been working hard.

It is amazing how fast it has changed with taking out the trees.

I can now imagine a house here.

Stay tuned for more progress!

Next up will be to bring the camper up for the summer
for some fun and relaxation.  And some work :)

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