Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Holiday travels to and fro and many new memories to share.  We traveled with dogs in tow to visit our daughter and her family.  Sophie and Mesa got to play with Piper and they were all rather tired out 4 days later.  While we were there we enjoyed ice skating with the girls and a movie date and a few lunch dates and just plain fun hanging out with them.  

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1 comment:

Becky said...

Hi Dianne! I just "found" you again through Jennisa's blog. Puppy Tails-too cute!

I mentioned this to Craig on the phone this am, but also wanted to post it here (for the WORLD to see)... Pam and I talked on Christmas Day and she mentioned to me what a wonderful woman you are. On my way home from Saver's yesterday (ALL purple tags = 99 cents!) I thought about you again. You have been a HUGE Blessing to our family Dianne, in many, many ways. I don't know that we've ever said Thank You. But I do now, I thanked God, and I will tell you in person. Thanks for all you do-for who you are- for the love you give! An "amazing woman" - those are Pam's words and I agree. xx oo :-)