Sunday, September 14, 2008

Puppy Kisses!

Mesa has been able to go visit my mom aka "Gramma" at the nursing home quite a few times this summer.  She went again on Sunday and really enjoys going to see all the residents there. She gets a lot of attention and she in turn gets to give more than enough puppy kisses. Gramma really comes alive when she holds and pets her and Mesa gives her puppy kisses.  She smiles and laughs and gets really silly.  The nurses even respond on how happy she is and they do not see that very often. It's so thrilling to see Gramma so responsive.  Guess this means Mesa will start going every Sunday with us! Way to go Mesa.  I think you may become a "therapy dog".

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1 comment:

Jennisa said...

Grandma does look like she enjoyed seeing her! Someone did her nails all up super fun!