Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Today we celebrate Mother's Day. A day to recognize all the important women in our lives from yesterday, today and tomorrow. I reflect on my Grandma Gavin. I loved being able to go visit her for weekends all by myself. We had so much fun together. She was a woman of great character. She passed when I was only 20 years old. But, I have many fond memories of her. I reflect on my own mother. A godly woman who put others first in her life. Though, she is not her mentally anymore, she is still here physically and I do get to spend time with her. I still am so emotionally connected to her. She is another wonderful example to follow. I reflect on my mother-in-law. She passed away about 15 years ago. She was a quiet woman, who didn't want to be noticed. She lived a simple life and in her last 2 years she reconnected with the Lord and with her family. We cherish that time we had with her. I reflect on my own daughter, who is a young mother of two precious girls. She is a devoted mother instilling her love for God to her children. She brings so much love, joy, and smiles to those around her. I am so proud of her. I am so blessed to have all these wonderful women in my lives. They each have brought something special to my life and I am a better woman because of them. God bless them all and Happy Mother's Day!


the GOOD doctor said...

i fully agree with these two posts about grandma and grandpa "pete"

I hope jennisa's girls... and ours, if we have any, will also have my father and mother's presence in their lives....

i think it must be genius of our Creator... the only thing you can take with you after death, are the effects of what you left behind.

i miss grandpa a lot this year.
and i, again, prepare as my next grandmother slowly becomes less of what i remember...

but, i remember!

the GOOD doctor said...

i fully agree with these two posts about grandma and grandpa "pete"

I hope jennisa's girls... and ours, if we have any, will also have my father and mother's presence in their lives....

i think it must be genius of our Creator... the only thing you can take with you after death, are the effects of what you left behind.

i miss grandpa a lot this year.
and i, again, prepare as my next grandmother slowly becomes less of what i remember...

but, i remember!

the GOOD doctor said...

i fully agree with these two posts about grandma and grandpa "pete"

I hope jennisa's girls... and ours, if we have any, will also have my father and mother's presence in their lives....

i think it must be genius of our Creator... the only thing you can take with you after death, are the effects of what you left behind.

i miss grandpa a lot this year.
and i, again, prepare as my next grandmother slowly becomes less of what i remember...

but, i remember!