Saturday, May 26, 2007

School Days

Well, I officially have 6 days of school left. Any teacher can relate to how we all are feeling this time of the year. We look forward to our long awaited summer vacation but at the same time feel abit sad to see another school year come and go. Many faces move on, never to see them again. This was my first year at the high school level and so I especially feel this watching the seniors graduate and move onward. I got to know many of them and really will miss them in the fall. But, I look forward to meeting a new class of freshman, many of whom I know from working in the elementary school they attended. So with summer just around the corner I look forward to a visit from my daughter and 2 grandaughters in June, a trip to Las Vegas in July and a trip to Door county, WI in Aug. Also many days of fun biking, walking, gardening, reading and just hanging out with friends.


Jennisa - Avery and Livvie's Mommy! said...

We're looking forward to coming to see you too! I was hoping you'd blog about the high school'couple' you found making out at school last week! :) That'd make for an interesting blog!

Unknown said...

ah high schoolers making out during class break.

young love.