Saturday, April 4, 2015

Starting Over......

We closed on our house on Thursday.  So weird to see it empty.  It doesn't seem like our home anymore.  Just an empty house waiting for a new family.  This move will prove to be one of the biggest adventures in our marriage.  Moving and building a home for retirement years.  Enjoy the ride!

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larry said...

I could always say that, after the detailed cleaning, you know your (former) house more intimately than ever before, but it's better said that you're taking the best things with you as you move on to retirement and your lake house. A lot of Onalaska memories go with you.

Now, you have the opportunity to make more memories, and grandchildren to share those memories with.
Of course, you first have to "survive" your current "close confinement", and then keeping yourself busy enough that there are always new things to do, and boredom doesn't have a chance to set it...

Jerry Fields said...

Ah, leaving the empty house is bittersweet. Leaving the familiar town is scary. Starting over can be totally invigorating, if you embrace the changes.

s.i.l. Pam